A Message From Management

From: "SV Residents" <no-reply@PROTECTED>
Date: May 11th 2020

Symphony Village Residents:

The COVID-19 Pandemic is proving to be one of the biggest and unanticipated challenges for individuals, businesses, and communities alike. During this unprecedented time, please note that your volunteer Board Members are tasked with making difficult decisions and acting in the best interest of the community.


Management is tasked with providing guidance to the Board as it relates to best practices and industry standards. One way this is done is by utilizing Community Association Management industry resources such as Community Associations Institute (CAI). In addition, and as you may be aware, Management continues to closely monitor the situation in conjunction with the Board of Directors, legal counsel, insurance providers, and other applicable professionals.  

Much of the information relating to the COVID-19 Pandemic is released in a way that provides little-to-no forewarning to all those on the receiving end. The precise timeframe and restrictions for reopening indoor amenities remain unknown. The general guidance the authorities have released thus far is being utilized as an evolving plan is developed for when the time comes for the Clubhouse to be re-opened.


Currently, the Clubhouse remains closed and staff continues to work remotely as applicable. The essential functions required to facilitate the day-to-day operations of the Association continue to be performed. Some of the tasks the General Manager and Executive Assistant continue to perform without hindrance, many of which daily, while working remotely are as follows:

  • Correspond with the residents, the Board, committees, and vendors via phone and email
  • Receive, process, and monitor Work Orders; approximately 75 to date in 2020
  • Compose and send community eblasts from the Board and Management
  • Compose and send formal correspondence on community letterhead
  • Correspond with applicable and essential vendors regarding current and future work
  • Retrieve and code invoices and send for processing
  • Coordinate scheduling of landscape and irrigation services and repairs with Level Green Landscaping
  • Provide directive to the onsite Maintenance Technician
  • Monitor CAI, MD, QAC and CDC websites for COVID-19 updates

Maintenance Technician, Nicholas “Nick” Oliver continues to monitor and maintain the Clubhouse while wearing personal protective equipment (PPE). He continues to take daily pool chemical readings, completes light administrative work, coordinates and meets with essential contractors onsite as necessary and completes a wide variety of tasks in and around the community.


If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call the staff at 410-758-8500 during normal business hours, Monday – Friday, 8:00-4:30. You may also email the General Manager, Rebecca Cook at gm@PROTECTED, or the Executive Assistant, Kimberly Cox at receptionist@PROTECTED Staff is readily available and reachable in all ways other than person to person contact.


Stay safe and be well.


Thank you for your attention,


Symphony Village HOA Management

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