Community Information & Update

From: "SV Residents" <no-reply@PROTECTED>
Date: August 7th 2019

Greetings Symphony Village Residents:

The indoor pool and spa will be drained, cleaned, refilled and chemically balanced next week, the week of August 11th. Draining of the pool and spa will begin at approximately 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, August 11th.

This is an extensive and time-consuming process. Therefore, the indoor pool and spa will be closed from the start of draining on Sunday, August 11th through the morning of Saturday, August 17th. Please note that it may take an additional day for the pool to reach the set temperature.

The air conditioning unit servicing the bar area in the Clubhouse is not functioning properly and requires new components or replacement. Management and the Board are working with Northern Bay Environmental Services, the long-time service provider and original installer. Options are being explored to determine the best course of action. For the time being, the doors to the gym will continue to be kept open to allow air to circulate.

Thank you for your attention,

Symphony Village HOA Management

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