Irrigation System Update

From: "SV Residents" <no-reply@PROTECTED>
Date: March 24th 2020

Greetings Symphony Village Residents,

Montgomery Irrigation will be onsite tomorrow, Wednesday, March 25th, Thursday, March 26th and Friday, March 27th to begin charging the irrigation system with water. As such, please do not be alarmed if you observe the irrigation system running on the dates specified above.


The irrigation system is being charged prior to the audit and the running of regular programs in order for the new irrigation contractor, Montgomery Irrigation (via Level Green,) to become more familiar with the system and address any issues or breaks prior to running programs.

Please note that Management, in conjunction with the Landscape & Irrigation Committee and the Board, continues to work with contractors to improve the overall function and reliability of the irrigation system. The irrigation audit and the running of regular programs is tentatively scheduled to begin in late May. Dates and run times will be published as soon as they become available.

Thank you for your attention,

Symphony Village HOA Management

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