Dear Symphony Village HOA Residents:
As many of you know, there was a lawsuit filed against the association in relation to the association’s response to the resident’s request for a pool lift several years ago.
That lawsuit has now been resolved. As part of that resolution, the Association is installing a pool lift that will be at the outdoor pool when it is open, and at the indoor pool when the outdoor pool closes, at its own expense in the coming months. The Association is also working towards installing an accessible ramp at the side parking lot entrance to the indoor pool with a view toward installation no later than Summer 2025 at its own expense.
Moving forward, the board intends to operate on the basis that the community is and should be inclusive for all. Any of us at some point are likely to need accessibility features
As part of our commitment to our values of inclusion and in addition to any other obligations under Maryland law: If a community resident contacts the board or management in writing or by email regarding a need to use the Clubhouse or any amenities on account of a disability that requires a modification of Association property, including those needs that naturally come with aging, the board intends to (with the resident’s permission and to the extent possible under Maryland law) present the proposed modification to the community at an open committee or board meeting for consideration as a community benefit to promote inclusion.
The Board of Directors
Symphony Village HOA
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