Symphony Village Residents,
The weather forecast shows the potential for additional winter precipitation overnight. Please be assured that any accumulation and the possibility of severe ice will be monitored frequently by the General Manager and the Board of Directors.
The snow removal contractor is typically dispatched when snowfall exceeds 3 inches, or during an ice event only if/when removal efforts are deemed necessary by the Board of Directors.
This is a reminder that the Board of Directors is responsible for the financial health of the HOA, which must be considered when making decisions regarding snow removal and ice treatment efforts.
Should conditions become hazardous, please exercise caution and use discretion when accessing the Clubhouse or walking or driving within the community.
If you believe snow removal is necessary for snowfall less than 3 inches on your property, you must arrange for the removal independently.
An eBlast will be sent to update residents regarding any snow removal efforts and/or closures.
Thank you for your attention. Stay safe and warm!
Symphony Village HOA Management
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