Proposed Amendments to the Governing Documents

From: "SV Residents" <no-reply@PROTECTED>
Date: March 14th 2022

Symphony Village Residents:

As you may be aware, the 2018 Document Review Committee and the Board of Directors (2018-2022) have put much thought into reviewing Symphony Village’s governing documents and drafting proposed amendments with the assistance of counsel and the General Manager. All applicable feedback from residents has also been incorporated.

The final drafts showing the proposed changes are now available for viewing in advance of the formal thirty (30) day review period on the official community website (click here).



Please note that the mailer will include a cover letter, Executive Summary, Proxy Ballot and hard copies of the redlined drafts showing the proposed amendments to the Governing Documents listed below.


A brief summary of the governing documents currently under review and how they relate to your community association is below.

  • Articles of Incorporation: This document initially created the corporation under state law and defines the association’s basic purposes and powers, such as the number of directors, terms of of­fice, and other specifics about how the Board functions.
  • Declaration of Covenants Codes and Restrictions: This is the document that contains the Covenants Codes and Restrictions (CC&Rs). It binds all owners to the association, establishes association responsibilities, and defines owners’ rights and obligations.
  • Bylaws: This document contains provisions concerning actual Association operations, such as meetings, procedures for electing the Board members and officers, and their responsibilities.

This is a friendly reminder that homeowner participation remains key throughout the process!

What are the next steps you might ask…

Step 1) Any final adjustments to the executive summary, cover letter, proxy and ballot will be made following a brief review by counsel.

Step 2) Management will prepare a mailer containing the cover letter, proxy, ballot, executive summary and paper copies of the final redlined version of the Declaration of Covenants, Codes and Restrictions, Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws as drafted by counsel and the Board for community review and consideration.

Step 3) Management will send the mailer to the owners of all 395 homes in Symphony Village with a deadline and instructions to return applicable forms. The mailer will also contain the time, date, and location/platform for the meeting at which voting will take place. The proxy, ballot, applicable information, and documents will be posted on the website and an eBlast will be sent to notify the community accordingly.

Step 4) Management will begin collecting proxies and ballots.

Step 5) A Special Meeting will be held. The meeting will be open and residents will be encouraged to attend and vote if they have not already done so!

Step 6) Management will record the final documents with the amendments approved by the membership with Queen Anne’s County, notify the community, post the recorded documents on the official community website and prepare a second mailer containing the resulting governing documents.

Thank you in advance for your time and continued participation in this very important process.


Symphony Village HOA Management

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