From: "SV Residents" <no-reply@PROTECTED>
Date: September 24th 2021

Greetings Symphony Village Residents,

On Tuesday, September 28, 2021 at 6 pm we will host a Town Hall to discuss possible changes to our three HOA governing documents that we all must vote on to adopt. These include the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions; the Articles of Incorporation; and the Bylaws. The meeting will be in hybrid form with in-person, socially distanced seating in the concert hall and a Zoom link sent to the community.

The most important element of this Town Hall will be to hear residents’ comments and suggested changes. These legal documents and a summarizing executive summary, as well as an explanation of the rationale behind the effort which has been ongoing since 2018 when kicked off by the Document Review Committee, has been uploaded on the SV webpage for nearly a month. There is an online means of sending comments to the Board prior to the Town Hall. We ask everyone to please review all of the material before the meeting so you can provide your questions and comments in person if you do not have time to respond by email. If you have numerous comments and suggestions, please submit them in writing so they accurately reflect your views.

Our attorney will be present to explain the process and why Homeowner Associations engage in this effort, particularly after the developer has completed their project. Many of the changes you see are to remove reference to Caruso Homes rights and responsibilities but also to update our documents to reflect current Maryland law and HOA best practices. Finally, some changes are suggested to reflect how SV has been conducting business –- such as not mandating Covenants Committee members to commit to a certain length of term - and how we may want to operate in the future -  such as adding flexibility to hold an election to fill an unexpected Board vacancy rather than merely having a Board appointment to fill the seat.

Once the final comments are incorporated the paper ballot and copies of the documents will be sent to each household. We will need 237 households to vote for any change. While we know this is a heavy lift the Board plans to make it fun – every voting household is entered into prize drawings and SV will host a pizza party with lots of extras so you will have sustenance as you drop off your paperwork!

First things first – we need your comments and attention to this task. The bulk of these documents were drafted in 2003. It's time for an update!

The Symphony Village Board of Directors

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