Winter Weather and Chemical Application Information

From: "SV Residents" <no-reply@PROTECTED>
Date: February 18th 2021

Symphony Village Residents:

As you may be aware, the forecast is calling for winter precipitation over the next 24+ hours.

Several key points to keep in mind are as follow:

  • Sidewalks, driveways and asphalt may become slick or icy in some spots. Please proceed with caution when walking or driving in the community.
  • Please refrain from accessing the Clubhouse until the sidewalks and parking lot are cleared or the precipitation has melted.
  • Any accumulation will be monitored frequently and consistently by the General Manager and Board Liaison to the Operations Committee Karen Kram.
  • The snow removal contractor is generally dispatched when snowfall exceeds 3 inches or with Board approval. In most cases, the removal will not begin until after the winter precipitation has stopped.
  • If you feel snow removal is necessary on your property for snowfall less than 3 inches, you must facilitate the removal efforts independently.
  • An e-blast will be sent to update residents regarding any snow removal efforts.


Snow/Ice Melt Chemical Information

Please note that the snow removal contractor, Chester River Landscaping, uses pure Magnesium Chloride Pellets with no other chemicals added as snow/ice melt. To the best of our knowledge, this treatment is concrete safe.

Any home without a red ribbon around the front light post will receive snow/ice melt if the contractor is mobilized and the conditions call for it.

If you wish to receive the chemical treatment but have a red ribbon around your front light post, you may choose to remove it. Removal of the ribbon will notify the crew that you DO want chemical service. You do not need to notify the Management Office.

If you would like to opt-out of chemical treatment for the 2021 winter season, please retrieve a red ribbon from the sign-in table and place it around your front light post. This will notify the crew that you do NOT want chemical service.


Please do not hesitate to contact the Management Office at 410-758-8500 with any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your attention and be safe,

Symphony Village HOA Management

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