UPDATE: Spring Cleanup Schedule & A Note from Level Green Landscaping

From: "SV Residents" <no-reply@PROTECTED>
Date: January 27th 2021

Greetings Symphony Village Residents,

Due to the wet conditions, Level Green Landscaping will not be onsite today, Wednesday, January 27th. Therefore, the Spring Cleanup in the common areas is tentatively rescheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, January 28th, Friday, January 29th and Monday, February 1st, weather permitting.

The Spring Cleanup of the residential lots is tentatively rescheduled for Tuesday, February 2nd through Tuesday, February 16th, weather permitting.

The Spring Cleanup includes the removal of leaves/debris, trash, etc. from all areas of the community. Level Green Landscaping will also be cutting back specific plants during the Spring cleanup service. Along with other seasonally appropriate plant material, the only plants that will be cutback in the common area and residential front beds are as follows: Roses, Spirea, Ornamental Grasses, Liriope and perennials such as Day Lilies, Sedum, Black Eyed Susans, Geraniums, Salvia, Nepeta, Russian Sage and Astilbe. Shrub pruning will be scheduled for a later date at an appropriate time in the season.

If you submitted a 2021 Front Bed Landscaping Service Opt-Out Form for your property, your front bed will not be serviced.

Level Green Landscaping and Management recognize that the Spring cleanup and cutting back of seasonally appropriate plant material is scheduled earlier than normal this year. Therefore, you are encouraged to read the note below prepared by the Branch Manager, Wayne Taylor, now assigned to Symphony Village.

Notice will be sent for any scheduling changes.

Thank you for your attention,

Symphony Village HOA Management



Spring is Around the Corner

Symphony Village Community,

You may have heard we are planning on getting in the community earlier than normal for the Spring cleanup and cutbacks. First and foremost, we are happy to have the opportunity to work with your community this year and look forward to making the Symphony Village community look better than ever. We just have a few tips for the upcoming Spring that we would like to share. One aspect would be our timing for some of the pruning that we plan on completing. It may be Winter but it is the best time to cut back Liriope, many woody shrubs and a wide variety perennials before they start pushing their new growth. Roses are also another example. The goal is to get them before bud break. This can be difficult to time due to the variations and timing of rising temps in our region.

Second, with an extremely wet 2020, you may want to be prepared for adverse effects on your landscape. You may think that plants need water so what’s the big deal? Well, in short, when too much water is introduced around root systems, they can be harmed. The water fills voids around the root systems that normally trap air and nutrients. When water constantly fills those voids and then retreats back into the earth, the root systems can actually starve and drown.

What can you do to help? It is a challenging question and task but you can help reduce the issue!

Get your drainage in check. Checking your plant beds for low areas and making small adjustments can help. If you can redirect water, do it now and don’t let it sit for prolonged periods in your beds. Also keep in mind you might not need to water for a long time. No rush on getting the irrigation on and running early this year. (Or at least until we see what Spring will actually bring as far as rain goes.) We will look to time this operation and the time settings will be monitored closely this year.

Thank you again for the opportunity and we are all excited to join you in 2021.


Wayne Taylor, CLT.
Branch Manager

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