CORRECTION -- Clubhouse Safety Reminder

From: "SV Residents" <no-reply@PROTECTED>
Date: January 22nd 2021

Please note the correct link to the current Interim Rules and Regulations is provided below. For the most recent eblast about the updated Interim Rules and Regulations, please click here.

Symphony Village Residents & Neighbors:

Thank you for your support as we continue to navigate these challenging times. Please be assured the safety of Symphony Village residents and staff continues to be the top priority.

Unfortunately, the Board and Management have received reports of residents in the Clubhouse without proper face coverings. Social distancing practices (or lack thereof) is also a concern. As a necessity, because of these reports, the Board may reassess the hours and operation of the Clubhouse.

Wearing a face covering and socially distancing are required within all areas of the Clubhouse. If reports continue to reveal lack of face coverings and lack of social distancing in the Clubhouse, the Board will be required to reconsider closure.

While vaccines are on the way, COVID-19 rates have been rising. Be cautious! Now is not the time to become complacent or ignore health guidelines.

This is a reminder that IF YOU HAVE BEEN IN THE CLUBHOUSE and have been…

    • exposed to the virus,
    • have tested positive or anyone in your household or immediate circle has
    • are under quarantine regardless of test results

Please report this to Management.

Your identity will be kept confidential. This will allow HOA Staff to know where to apply more stringent sanitation and extra cleaning effort.

For additional information on the procedures in place to keep everyone safe, please click here to view the current Interim Rules and Regulations for Use of the Clubhouse, Pools/Spa and Amenities.


Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


The Board of Directors

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