Board Election Results

From: "SV Residents" <no-reply@PROTECTED>
Date: December 4th 2020

Greetings Symphony Village Residents,


The votes of the 2020 Board Election have been counted and the following three (3) candidates, in no particular order, were elected by the community for a term of three (3) years:

  • Karen Kram
  • Debi Wells
  • Bill Ridgway


The Board of Directors is now comprised of the following individuals:

  • Pat Fox
  • Pat Ways
  • Karen Kram
  • Debi Wells
  • Bill Ridgway


Information as it relates to the Board Positions, Committee Liaison Assignments and 2021 Board Meeting dates will be distributed prior to close of business today, Friday, December 4th.


Thank you for your attention,


Symphony Village HOA Management

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