Community Information

From: "SV Residents" <no-reply@PROTECTED>
Date: November 11th 2020

Greetings Symphony Village Residents,

As you may be aware, Governor Hogan gave a press conference yesterday, Tuesday, November 10th to discuss actions to combat the spread of COVID19. Effective today, Wednesday, November 11th at 5:00 PM, tighter occupancy restrictions on restaurants, bars and retail establishments will go into effect. Indoor Recreational Facilities may operate at 50% capacity.

An expanded travel advisory was put in place, effective immediately, for non-essential travel outside the state of Maryland. For those that travel, the advisory includes recommendations for testing and self-quarantine procedures. To read the notice from the Maryland Department of Health, click here.

A new smartphone App, MD COVID ALERT, was also introduced yesterday as part of Maryland’s Contact Tracing efforts. Click here for more information on how it works and instructions on how to download the App to your iPhone or Android device.

For a written summary and the video of Governor Hogan’s press conference, please click here. To read the Governor’s Amended Executive Order, please click here.

Please note that the amended order dated November 10, 2020 is subject to applicable Local Orders, Secretary’s Directives and social distancing guidance published by CDC and MDH.


Marylanders are asked to refrain from private and public indoor gatherings of more than twenty-five (25) people at this time.


The Executive Order and Health Advisory issued yesterday is under review with the Board of Directors as it relates to the Clubhouse and Amenities. Additional information is forthcoming regarding the maximum capacity in areas of the Clubhouse and indoor gatherings.


This is a reminder that residents are encouraged to review safety guidelines and look for updates from the CDC, the MDH, QAC Health Department and the World Health Organization. Please check the links below for the most up to date information.






Thank you for your attention,

Symphony Village HOA Management

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