SV Residents Message

From: "SV Residents" <no-reply@PROTECTED>
Date: October 26th 2020

Symphony Village Residents,

Due to the current situation, this year’s HOA Candidates Forum will be unlike any that we have had in the past. However:


  1. As in the past each candidate will be allowed to make an opening statement that we are hoping to keep to one minute per candidate.
  2. Once their statements have been completed we will ‘open’ the floor to questions. Unlike in the past, where we were all in the Club House and asked the questions in person, this year we are asking the residents to submit their questions in writing. This can be done either in advance by dropping off a 3 x 5 card in the box in the Club House or by using the Q&A or Chat options on the zoom screen.
  3. Questions will be directed to all candidates unless specifically asked of one candidate. If you have a preference at which session the question will be asked, please specify. The Nominating Committee reserves the right not to ask any question they deem inappropriate. (The phrase “deem inappropriate questions” means inappropriate language and if the question were a personal attack on a candidate.)
  4. After the pre-submitted written questions (the 3x5 index cards are in the Wall St. room at the Clubhouse for your convenience) are asked, the Q & A questions entered on Zoom will be answered and lastly live questions by the residents on Zoom. The reason for this will be done to make the best use of time.
  5. We will try to limit each candidate to 45 seconds to respond to each question.
  6. Time permitting, we will open the questioning to live questions. Unlike in the past there will be no back and forth between the questioner and the candidates.
  7. We apologize for any inconvenience these changes may create. The committee is trying to make the process as smooth and informative as possible.


Since each forum will be recorded, they will be available for viewing via the appropriate link and then will be deleted on the day of the Annual Meeting.


Please see the below in order to register to attend the HOA Candidates Forum(s):


Tuesday, October 27th at 10:00 AM


In order to attend online, please click here and follow the prompts.


In order to attend by phone, please dial 1 (301) 715 8592 and enter the Webinar ID: 811 3850 1650 # then press # to continue, then enter password 8500 #. Additional numbers are available:


Thursday, October 29th at 6:30 PM


In order to attend online, please click here and follow the prompts.


In order to attend by phone, please dial 1 (301) 715 8592 and enter the Webinar ID: 814 5756 5812 # then press # to continue, then enter password 8500 #. Additional numbers are available:


Please note that attendees are asked to register in advance and use both their first and last name in the meeting. Residents who are unfamiliar with Zoom are encouraged to become more familiar with the platform prior to the webinar meeting. Please click here for additional information as it relates to joining and participating in a Webinar.


Candidate Information Forms (CIFs) for the six (6) candidates running for the Board can be viewed on the community website by clicking here. The candidates running for the vacant positions are listed below:


Laura Bittinger

Skip Kornmeyer

Karen Kram

Bob Nilsson

Bill Ridgway

Debi Wells


If you have any questions, please contact one of the following nominating committee members: Jane Romany, Kathy McManus, Dave Peterson or Tom Meringolo.

Thank you for your attention,

Nominating Committee

Symphony Village HOA Management

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