Updated Interim Rules and Regulations

From: "SV Residents" <no-reply@PROTECTED>
Date: September 28th 2020

Symphony Village Residents,

As you may be aware the Board of Directors approved and adopted the updated Interim Rules and Regulations for Use of the Clubhouse, Pools/Spa and Amenities ( listed below or by clicking here ) at the virtual meeting on September 25, 2020.

All residents shall continue to use the main entrance of the Clubhouse and sign in and out for contact tracing. Residents using the indoor pool/spa may sign in and out in the indoor pool area.

In addition, residents are asked to pick up a pink ribbon, available at the sign-in tables. The ribbon should be secured to the piece of furniture and/or equipment selected for use, including but not limited to exercise equipment, chairs, pool cues and pool furniture. When tying/securing the ribbon, please try and do so loosely.

In accordance with the updated Interim Rules and Regulation, residents will be responsible for cleaning/sanitizing furniture and equipment before and after use on weekends and holidays using the wipes provided. Any furniture or equipment used on a weekend or holiday should remain marked with a pink ribbon until staff returns. Please do NOT use any household cleaners or sanitizer on equipment or furniture without consulting with Management.


Thank you for your attention,

Symphony Village HOA Management



Interim Rules and Regulations
for Use of the Clubhouse, Pools/Spa and Amenities
September 25, 2020

The following Interim Rules and Regulations are established and revised in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic and correlating governmental guidance and requirements. They will take effect starting September 28, 2020. These rules and regulations are subject to change upon approval by the Board of Directors and additional governmental guidance as it becomes available. These rules and regulations do not negate applicable Symphony Village Rules and Regulations previously adopted by the Board of Directors.

  • The Clubhouse and pools/spa hours will be determined by the Board of Directors. The hours are subject to change as additional logistical information and governmental guidance becomes available.
  • Cleaning/sanitizing of high touch surfaces and used furniture/equipment will be completed no less than twice a day or more frequently depending on usage Monday through Friday, except on holidays. Cleaning/sanitizing will take place during two 30-minute breaks Monday though Friday, except holidays, at which time residents will be required to leave all areas of the Clubhouse with the exception of the pool(s), spa and locker rooms. The pool(s), spa and locker rooms will be cleaned/sanitized during a 30-minute break immediately following.
  • Residents will be responsible for cleaning/sanitizing furniture and equipment before and after use on weekends and holidays using the wipes provided. Any furniture or equipment used on a weekend or holiday should remain marked with a pink ribbon until staff returns. Please do NOT use any household cleaners or sanitizer on equipment or furniture without consulting with Management
  • The maximum occupancy for the Clubhouse and pool areas are as follows:
Outdoor Pool and Deck Area             50 persons
Indoor Pool Area                                17 persons
Fitness Center                                      6 persons
Conference Room                               2 persons
Bar Area                                              6 persons
Billiards Room                                    6 persons
Card Room                                         24 persons (Maximum of 4 per table)
Craft Room                                          6 persons
Concert Hall                                        73 persons (Maximum of 4 per table)


The maximum occupancy of each space is subject to change as additional logistical information and governmental guidance becomes available.

  • Residents will be required to sign in and out of the pool area(s) and the Clubhouse in accordance with governmental requirements and guidelines for contact tracing.
  • Residents will be asked to mark furniture and/or equipment used with a pink ribbon in the Clubhouse and pool areas to facilitate cleaning/sanitation procedures. 
  • Gathering sizes shall be limited in accordance with guidance provided by State of Maryland, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and applicable Local Orders.
  • All residents, with the exception of those from the same household, are not to use pieces of equipment in the fitness center that are adjacent to one another. Please be considerate of others and limit use to one (1) hour. 
  • Use of the pools, Clubhouse and amenities will be limited to Symphony Village residents only, pending further governmental guidance. Guests, including extended family, are not to use the pools, Clubhouse or amenities.
  • Association vendors/contractors are permitted in the Clubhouse and other applicable common areas and amenities as necessary for community operations. All vendors/contractors will be required to wear face coverings in the Clubhouse at all times and when interacting with residents or staff onsite. Vendors/contractors will be required to sign in and out at the Management office.
  • Association vendors/contractors shall hold current liability and worker’s compensation insurance. A current Certificate of Insurance will be on file with the Management Office and list Symphony Village HOA as the certificate holder and additional insured.
  • Signage will be posted in and around the pool areas and Clubhouse in accordance with governmental requirements and guidelines.
  • Residents will be required to wear face coverings in the Clubhouse at all times, in accordance with State of Maryland and CDC guidelines. The use of face coverings on the outdoor pool deck is recommended but not required unless you are interacting with staff. Face coverings are not to be worn in the water.
  • Staff will wear face coverings when interacting with residents.
  • If an in person meeting with Management is needed, residents will be required to make an appointment within normal business hours in order to maintain safe social distancing.
  • No person shall use the pool(s), spa, Clubhouse or amenities if they have any symptoms of COVID-19, including cough, shortness of breath, fever, chills, muscle pains, sore throat, or loss of taste or smell, or if any individual in that person’s household has symptoms of COVID-19. For the most current information and symptoms visit www.cdc.gov.
  • Residents must sign and submit the Agreement for Use of the Clubhouse and Pool Facilities waiver to Management prior to using the pool(s), spa, Clubhouse or amenities.
  • All residents on the pool deck, in the pools or spa and in the Clubhouse are to be six feet apart except for members of the same household in accordance with the CDC guidelines.
  • Furniture on the pool decks and in the Clubhouse is not to be reconfigured by residents.
  • All stored pool furniture must remain in place.
  • Symphony Village will not supply pool noodles for use. Residents may bring their own.
  • All residents must shower before using the pool.
  • Residents are encouraged to wash their hands with soap and water for a least 20 seconds frequently.
  • Residents must adhere to all applicable Symphony Village Rules and Regulations previously adopted by the Board of Directors.
  • The Board reserves the right to suspend a resident’s access to the Clubhouse and amenities if they do not comply with social distancing and/or face covering requirements or similar regulations.
  • The Board reserves the right to close the Clubhouse, pools, spa and/or other amenities in the event a person that accessed these areas tests positive for COVID-19. The community will be notified but that person’s information will not be released. Residents will be asked to self-quarantine and advise Management if they or someone they have been in contact with tests positive for COVID-19.
  • Every person in the facilities shall adhere to the guidelines and recommendations of the State of Maryland and the CDC on the prevention of COVID-19 infection.
  • The Association cannot guarantee all areas will be free of COVID-19. Residents will be responsible for assessing their risk and deciding whether it is in their best interest to visit the Clubhouse and other amenities.
  • This mailing list is a private mailing list. There may be additional steps in order to join, and the List Owner controls who may leave the mailing list.
  • This mailing list requires approval from the List Owner, before subscriptions are finalized.

  • This mailing list is announce-only.

This is a List for residents of Symphony Village, Centreville, Maryland, for the promulgation of official items of HOA interests.

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