A Message From the Town of Centreville

From: "SV Residents" <no-reply@PROTECTED>
Date: September 17th 2020

Greetings Symphony Village Residents, 

Please see the correspondence distributed by the Town of Centreville below:


Town of Centreville


In This Issue:

  • Virtual Candidate Forum - League of Women Voters - Sept. 24th
  • Candidate Interviews on QAC-TV
  • 2020 Election
  • Absentee Ballots Available
  • Complete Absentee Ballots In-Person - Sept. 19th & 27th

Candidate Forum - League of Women Voters
September 24th at 6:00 p.m.

For immediate release: September 15, 2020

The Queen Anne’s County League of Women Voters is holding a virtual forum for candidates for the Centreville Town Council on Thursday, September 24 at 6 o’clock p.m.


  1. nine candidates who are running for the four open seats on the Town Council have agreed to take part in the forum. Due to the coronavirus, the public is not permitted to attend in person, but will be able to access the forum live on QACTV/Facebook or QAC.org/live. Recordings of the forum will be available on QACTV/YouTube.


  1. you would like to pose a question to the candidates, you may do so in real time during the forum via QACTV/Facebook or you can email your question no later than Wednesday evening, September 23 to marycampbell@PROTECTED. Questions should not be personal, but of general interest. They will be vetted for redundancy and appropriateness.


The League of Women Voters - 100 years old this year - is a nonpartisan organization that promotes the informed and active participation of citizens in government. Membership is open to anyone 16 years old or older.


Mary Campbell


Town Council Candidate Interviews

Sponsored by the Bay Times and Record Observer, QAC-TV recorded interviews with each candidate which is posted on their Facebook page or can be viewed on YouTube through the following links:

Town Council Candidates (all segments in one video) - https://youtu.be/9ng3S0dQtpM

2020 Election

This is to advise all eligible voters in the Town of Centreville, Maryland that a regular election will be held at the Queen Anne’s County Office Building, Planning & Zoning meeting room, 110 Vincit Street, Centreville, Maryland on Monday, October 5, 2020 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of electing four (4) Town Council Members: two 3-year terms and two 2-year terms.

The following named persons have filed and qualified for the office:

  • Dale F. Becraft
  • Shelby Brown
  • Robert R. Hardy, Jr.
  • Jeffrey D. Kiel
  • Steven K. Kline
  • Anne Lane
  • Fred M. McNeil
  • George G. Sigler
  • Daniel B. Worth

The polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.



There are four (4) seats open for the October 5, 2020 election and they are as follows:

  • One (1) Council Member position is the existing seat - 3-year term
  • One (1) Council Member position is the result of the change from 3 to 5 members - 3-year term
  • One (1) Council Member position is the result of the change from 3 to 5 members - 2-year term
  • One (1) Council Member position is an existing seat that is vacant - 2-year term

Absentee Ballots Available

Absentee ballots are available and can be mailed to your home. If you are interested in receiving an absentee ballot, please complete the ABSENTEE BALLOT APPLICATION and return to cbrinkley@PROTECTED. Once received and your voter registration is verified, you will be mailed a ballot to complete and return. Absentee ballots may be requested for any reason until September 28th at 4:30 p.m.

If you have any questions regarding the absentee ballot process, please contact Carolyn Brinkley, Town Clerk, at 410-758-1180 or email at cbrinkley@PROTECTED.

Complete Absentee Ballots In-Person
September 19th & 27th

The Board of Supervisors of Elections will be offering additional dates to complete an absentee ballot application and an absentee ballot for the October 5th Town Election. Saturday, September 19th and Sunday, September 27th from noon to 3:00 p.m. they will be set up on the sidewalk in front of Town Hall (101 Lawyer's Row). Absentee ballot applications and absentee ballots will be available to complete and the ballot box will be available for drop off.

Also, if you have already received your absentee ballot and would like to drop it off on one of these dates, the ballot box will be available for drop off.



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Town of Centreville - www.TownofCentreville.org - Copyright 2018.
410-758-1180 - 101 Lawyers Row, Centreville, MD 21617


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This is a List for residents of Symphony Village, Centreville, Maryland, for the promulgation of official items of HOA interests.

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