Covenants Committee -- Path Forward During Stage Two

From: "SV Residents" <no-reply@PROTECTED>
Date: June 8th 2020

At the June 5 HOA meeting, the Board of Directors approved the Covenants Committee to resume its responsibilities for the community.  Covenants Committee members were queried prior and are in agreement to continue the review of all exterior modifications for residents.

Going forward during Stage Two of the pandemic, the Covenants Committee will make the following process changes … with safety as the number one goal. 

Exterior Modification Form Submittal:  Residents will continue to submit Exterior Modification Forms (EMFs) through HOA Management for recording.  During the pandemic, EMFs may be submitted online, postal mail or by calling HOA Staff (410-758-8500).  To expedite any EMFs that have been on hold since the onset of the pandemic, the Covenants Committee will waive the requirement to submit EMFs five days in advance of a meeting.  However, residents are urged to submit EMFs as soon as possible to allow a review before the meeting and Committee vote.
Email Voting:  While in-person monthly meetings are preferred because of transparency to the community, the use of email voting may occur if there is an emergency or an abundance of EMFs submitted. 

Meetings:  Zoom technology may be used for meetings during the pandemic. Dependent upon the number of EMFs, we may have more than one meeting a month.  The community will be notified of all Covenants Committee meetings. 

On-Site Reviews:  Covenants Committee members will contact homeowners to obtain all information by phone or email.  If an on-site review is necessary, Committee members will coordinate the date and time with the resident and let them know if their presence is necessary or not.  If not, residents are asked to remain inside your home.  If a resident is asked to be present with a Covenants member, wearing a face mask and socially distancing are mandatory safety tools for those involved.   

HOA Decision Letter:  As is the protocol, after the Covenants Committee meets to review and vote upon EMFs, those results will be provided to HOA Management for a decision letter to be prepared for each homeowner.  To know the results of your EMF, please contact HOA Management.

Exterior Modification Form: Please visit the official Symphony Village website or click here

Questions?  Please contact the Covenants Chair (debwells2011@PROTECTED) or the HOA Management Office (410-758-8500).

Debi Wells, Covenants Chair

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