Bagworm Alert!

From: "SV Residents" <no-reply@PROTECTED>
Date: May 15th 2020

Bagworm Alert!


A number of residents have inquired about best timeframe to spray for bagworms.  It is May 30 – June 12.  (Using the 2020-actual/predicted growing degree days (GDD) for our zip code, with a 50 degree baseline, the bagworms will be emerging from their nests about May 30.)  There is only a short time span when spraying them is effective.  The last day to effectively spray for bagworms is estimated to be June 12.)  


IMPORTANT!  The recommended insecticide spray for treatment is Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt).  Using products that contain Bt should insure only the bagworm larvae and other caterpillars will be destroyed.  There is no evidence Bt harms earthworms, bees, or other natural insect predators.  Some familiar Bt retail names are: Garden Safe Bt Worm and Caterpillar Killer Concentrate, Bonide Thuricide Bt concentrate, Moneray Bt, or True Value Bt thuricide spray.


CAUTION!  Please refrain from using Sevin, or other toxic all-inclusive pesticides, as they will also kill beneficial insects, including honeybees.  Of course, always follow all insecticide product directions.


Thank you for your attention,


The Symphony Village Landscape Committee

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