Community Information

From: "SV Residents" <no-reply@PROTECTED>
Date: March 24th 2020

Symphony Village Residents,

The Board, in consultation with the general manager, continues to monitor the COVID-19 coronavirus situation closely. The Board and Management strive to provide the community with factual and current information as it becomes available. 

As you may be aware, Governor Hogan issued an announcement yesterday, March 23, 2020 regarding a new Emergency Order to control and prevent the spread of COVID-19 within the state. The order directed all non-essential businesses to close to the general public as of 5:00 p.m. March 23, 2020. The emergency order does NOT direct Maryland residents to shelter in place. The Amended and Restated Executive Order may be accessed here ( Interpretive Guidance from the Governor’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) as it relates to the March 23, 2020 Executive Order may be accessed here (

When determining whether a business function is “essential,” Marylanders are directed to follow the federal guidelines established by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security under the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) and the interpretive Guidance issued by the OLC. The CISA memorandum may be accessed here (

Information regarding real estate transactions as published by Maryland REALTORS in response to the Emergency Order can be accessed here. ( Please contact a licensed real estate agent with any additional questions.   

Please note that Queen Anne’s County posted the following statement yesterday, March 23, 2020 regarding Walgreens in Centreville. The posting can be viewed below or by clicking here (

CENTREVILLE Walgreens Closes Doors

CENTREVILLE - Corporate managers at Walgreens reported that an employee at their Centreville location was tested on Friday, March 20 for the COVID-19 virus and test results are pending. Queen Anne’s County Health Officer, Joseph A. Ciotola, Jr., M.D. made contact with Walgreens over the weekend, the store took actions on their own to close the store and order a level one decontamination. Walgreens would not provide any other information concerning the case. The store remains closed, however the drive-up pharmacy window is open. There is no connection between the single confirmed case of COVID-19 in Queen Anne’s County and this pending case the Centreville Walgreens.

Queen Anne’s County has set up an information line for the public to call with questions about COVID-19. Staff will be available by phone from 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM 443-262-9900 qaccovid19.callcenter@PROTECTED

This is a rapidly changing event so follow us on social media @QACGOV and online for the latest updates to county government. For the latest information on COVID-19 follow Queen Anne’s County Department of Health @QADOH and

Symphony Village staff will continue to telecommute during normal working hours as applicable. If you have questions or concerns, please email gm@PROTECTED or receptionist@PROTECTED. Calls to the Clubhouse at 410-758-8500 will be routed to Symphony Village Staff within normal working hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday). The General Manager and Executive Assistant to the General Manager continue to perform the essential functions required to facilitate the day to day operations of the Association remotely. Staff is readily available and reachable in all ways other than person to person contact. Staff continues to communicate with contractors on a daily basis, stay up to date on best practices as it relates to COVID-19, monitor emails and phone calls, process invoices, communicate with the Board, Committees and Residents, etc.


Please note that a full sanitation of the Clubhouse will be scheduled in the upcoming week(s). The sanitation will be in addition to the ongoing cleaning and sanitizing efforts by Symphony Village Maintenance Technician, Nicholas “Nick” Oliver. Nick is completing light administrative work, coordinating with essential contractors, monitoring and maintaining the Clubhouse, etc.


In addition to the aforementioned functions, staff has performed functions including but not limited to the following:

  • The thermostats in the Clubhouse have been adjusted to reduce energy consumption during the closure.
  • The indoor pool and spa heaters have been turned off to reduce energy consumption during the closure. It takes approximately 24 hours for the pool to reach it’s set temperature so this should have no impact when reopening the Clubhouse.  
  • Coordination of landscape and irrigation functions with Level Green and Montgomery Irrigation.
  • Preparation for the 2020 outdoor pool season.
  • Updating of the Symphony Village website and master calendar.
  • Draft and send eblasts from the Board and Management.
  • Draft and send exterior modification form responses and maintain log.
  • Draft and provide detailed daily staff activity reports to the Board of Directors.
  • Solicit and obtain pricing for a full sanitation of the Clubhouse and cleaning of the ductwork.
  • Retrieve postal mail addressed to the Clubhouse periodically.
  • Monitor mulching efforts.


Furthermore, please be reminded that it continues to be incumbent that residents to take this situation seriously and do their part to minimize the spread of this deadly disease. The association highly encourages you to review safety guidelines and look for updates from the CDC, the local health department and the World Health Organization.


As you may be aware, information is changing almost daily. Please check the links below frequently for the most up to date information.


Finally, please consider establishing a “buddy” system to ensure vulnerable and hard-to-reach community members stay connected to COVID-19 related news and services.

Stay safe and be well.



Bob Nilsson                                                   
Board President                                 


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