September 3, 6:30pm: Covenants Committee Evening Meeting

From: "SV Residents" <no-reply@PROTECTED>
Date: August 7th 2019

September 3; 6:30pm: Covenants Committee Evening Meeting

To accommodate residents not able to attend the (first Tuesday monthly) 10am meetings, the Covenants Committee will hold its September 3 meeting at 6:30pm. If you would like to attend please mark your calendar! If you have a covenant topic of interest please email it to Debi Wells (DebWells2011@PROTECTED) -- we will do our best to include it, dependent upon time constraints of other business items. The agenda will be posted prior to the September 3 monthly meeting.

Your Covenants Committee does its best to review exterior modifications in a timely manner and strives to continually streamline (and, hopefully, lessen) requirements. We currently have subcommittees for training and exterior paint colors. Among other projects, we recently finalized a ‘welcome’ letter for new residents to apprise them (in less than one page) of the community's covenants process. Soon, a new covenants subcommittee will convene for about two hours weekly to review and update the Architectural Requirements (link here) document.

Covenants can be interesting and are important … just like Symphony Village residents! It can be a fulfilling experience to attend a meeting occasionally and/or serve on the Symphony Village Covenants Committee to assist neighbors. We hope to see you on September 3 at 6:30pm.

Debi Wells, Chair

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