Symphony Village Residents:
At the March 29, 2019 Board of Directors meeting the Board voted to approve updates to the Symphony Village Rules and Regulations and Terms of Reference document as noted below.
The bar section of the Symphony Village Rules and Regulations now reads as follows:
(Adopted and Approved by the Board of Directors March 29, 2019)
The following statement regarding inactive committee member status has been added to the Terms of Reference document:
If a committee member will be away from Symphony Village or physically unable to attend meetings for an extended period of time, they can request to be added to the inactive committee membership list. This allows the committee to adjust their quorum. Once the member returns to active status the quorum returns to the original number necessary to hold a vote.
The updated documents are available on the “Official Documents” page of the community website.
Thank you for your attention,
Symphony Village HOA Management
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