Reminder to Review Architectural Requirements Document before the Friday Board Meeting Vote

From: "SV Residents" <no-reply@PROTECTED>
Date: January 23rd 2019
JUST A REMINDER -- As you know from the January 15 eBlast announcement, the Symphony Village Covenants Committee coordinated with the HOA Board of Directors to place the updated Architectural Guidelines on our Website.  Your review and feedback now is important and valued toward the HOA Board making a decision on the proposed changes at its January 25 meeting at 10:00am.  While residents will have the opportunity to speak, if you want to impact (for or against) proposed changes now is the time to provide feedback ... before the meeting.
As the eBlast to SV Residents about the updated Architectural Guidelines/Requirements (Jan.15) indicated, these proposed changes represent two years of work by Covenants Committee officers, volunteers and the HOA Board.  We believe this document's objective has been met to: (1) be compliant with current HOA provisions, (2) be a better fit with the living experience of our community, and (3) is less restrictive to avoid hardship(s) on residents -- all while protecting and supporting future property value and the quality of community.    

To help in your review, a synopsis memorandum of the Architectural Regulations’ minor and important changes is included on the Website and is recommended reading.  Feedback will be collected on the Website and is due by January 24th.  In advance, thank you for your time and comments. 

Website link to the Architectural Regulations draft, synopsis of changes and link to provide feedback:

Jim for Covenants

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