From: "SV Residents" <no-reply@PROTECTED>
Date: August 15th 2023


The Town Planning Commission meets Wednesday, Aug 16th at 7pm to consider a proposed revision to the current ordinance intended to restrict cannabis growing to indoors-only in the Centreville Planned Business Development District. From there it would go to the Town Council for final approval.

Cannabis is now being grown both outdoors and indoors in the Town Business Park at the end of Coursevall Drive.  Symphony Village property lies within 2000 ft of the production facility.  SV residents have voiced concerns after experiencing cannabis production odors. Residents also questioned whether outdoor production might expand dramatically if the current ordinance is not revised.

This Planning Commission meeting will be held at the Liberty Building at the intersection of Liberty and Broadway. Parking is located at the rear across from Goodwill Fire Company.

The full agenda and reference package for the meeting can be found at:

Residents can attend the meeting or submit Email comments by 3pm on Wed to the town of Centreville at BJHall@PROTECTED.

SV Resident Pat Fox is a member of the Planning Commission and can be contacted for more information. Her Email is patfoxsv@PROTECTED and phone number (908) 500-4736.

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