Governing Document Amendments APPROVED!

From: "SV Residents" <no-reply@PROTECTED>
Date: July 14th 2022

Symphony Village Residents,

The special meeting to vote on the proposed amendments to the Governing Documents was held yesterday, July 13, 2022. ALL amendments proposed by the Board of Directors were approved!

Thank you to all three hundred and eighteen (318) households that participated in the vote! And thank you to the Board of Directors and all involved in the document review over the years for their time and effort!

You will find the number of votes cast “In Favor” or “Against” the amendments proposed by the Board below.

Notice will be sent when the final amended documents are recorded and posted on the official community website for viewing and download.   

I. Proposed Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation

Category A – This group of amendments bring specific provisions of the Articles of Incorporation into compliance with existing law, to correct outdated or conflicting language within the Articles, or to facilitate effective governance of and participation in the Association.  These amendments will have no noticeable impact on the operation of the Association and were generally necessary to ensure consistency with existing law and the other governing documents.

Proposed amendments: 1, 2, 3,  7, 8

312 In Favor of these Amendments 6 Against these Amendments

Category B – These amendments address specific concerns within the Association and were intended to make governance of the Association more consistent and efficient.

Proposed amendments:

4 – Define Directorship term to be 2 years                                                            310 In favor        8 Against
5 – Process for filling Board vacancies in between terms                                307 In favor        11 Against          
6 – Reduce votes required for amendment of Articles                                      286 In favor        32 Against

II. Proposed Amendments to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions

Category A – This group of amendments bring specific provisions of the Declaration into compliance with existing law, to correct outdated or conflicting language within the Articles, or to facilitate effective governance of and participation in the Association.  These amendments will have no noticeable impact on the operation of the Association and were generally necessary to ensure consistency with existing law and the other governing documents.

Proposed amendments: 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 25, 26, 27, 32

309 In Favor of these Amendments 9 Against these Amendments

Category B – These amendments address specific concerns within the Association and are intended to improve the financial stability of the Association and quality of life of the members.

Proposed amendments:

3 –   Require officers to be members                                                                      315 In favor        3 Against
5 –   Allow suspension of privileges for delinquency or violation                   304 In favor        13 Against
6 –   Change special assessment vote threshold                                                  283 In favor        34 Against
7 –   Change rules for special assessment liens                                                    294 In favor        25 Against
13 – Rules for political signs                                                                                         300 In favor        18 Against
15 – Ban hot tubs                                                                                                             289 In favor        30 Against
19 – Modify pet rules                                                                                                     289 In favor        29 Against
21 – Ban newspaper tubes                                                                                          305 In favor        13 Against
23 – Leasing/rental requirements                                                                             306 In favor        12 Against
24 – Change term of Covenants Committee                                                         298 In favor        20 Against
28 – Remove liability of owners for damage to other Owners                       286 In favor        32 Against
29 – Allow attorney fees to be recovered in enforcement actions               294 In favor        24 Against
30 – Increase maximum fines                                                                                     267 In favor        51 Against
31 – Remove collection of Mortgagee name and address                                               301 In favor        17 Against
33 – Raise vote percentage required to approve special actions                   306 In favor        12 Against

III. Proposed Amendments to the Bylaws

Category A – This group of amendments bring specific provisions of the Bylaws into compliance with existing law, to correct outdated or conflicting language within the Articles, or to facilitate effective governance of and participation in the Association.  These amendments will have no noticeable impact on the operation of the Association and are generally necessary to ensure consistency with existing law and the other governing documents.

Proposed amendments: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 23

310 In Favor of these Amendments 8 Against these Amendments

Category B – These amendments have been proposed to address specific concerns within the Association and are intended to improve the financial stability of the Association and quality of life of the members.

Proposed amendments:

7 – Require Directors to be over 55                                                                           314 In favor        4 Against
8 – Reduce Directorship term to 2 years                                                                 303 In favor        10 Against
10 –Rules for replacing Directors                                                                               311 In favor        7 Against
17 – Remove Board authority to authorize patronage refunds                     304 In favor        14 Against          
18 – Board’s Power of attorney for Common Areas                                           290 In favor        28 Against
20 – Require new assessments to be fixed 15 days in advance                      294 In favor        24 Against
21 – Require budget notice to be sent 15 days in advance                              296 In favor        22 Against
22 – Process for filling Board vacancies in between terms                              309 In favor        9 Against
24 – Change term of Covenants Committee                                                         298 In favor        20 Against
25 – Allow attorney fees to be recovered in enforcement actions               294 In favor        24 Against
26 – Increase maximum fines                                                                                     270 In favor        48 Against


Thank you for your attention,

Symphony Village HOA Management     

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