Clubhouse Reminder

From: "SV Residents" <no-reply@PROTECTED>
Date: December 12th 2020

Greetings Symphony Village Residents,

This is a reminder about the procedural operations that are in place at the Clubhouse to keep everyone safe and remain open to the community.

  • Staff is required to complete a temperature and wellness check every morning when arriving to work on site. This includes disclosure of any symptoms.
  • Staff is required to wear a face covering, wash hands frequently and contribute to disinfecting measures to maintain sanitary workspaces.
  • Maintenance Technician, Nick Oliver, performs a daily regimen that includes but is not limited to the following procedures:
    • Cleaning/sanitizing of the pool furniture, high touch surfaces and gym equipment is completed no less than twice a day Monday through Friday, except holidays.
    • Daily cleaning/sanitizing includes the bathrooms and locker rooms.
    • Depending on usage, the cleaning/disinfecting is done more frequently in accordance with governmental requirements.
  • All persons entering the Clubhouse (Residents, Contractors and Staff only. No guests are permitted at this time) must:
    • Wear a mask
    • Sign in and out of the building
    • Maintain safe, social distancing
    • Make use of the pink ribbons available at the sign-in table by placing or gently tying one on furniture or equipment after use
  • The HVAC system servicing the Clubhouse and Indoor Pool has had its filters replaced with the recommended MERV13 filters.
  • A professional cleaning service cleans the Clubhouse every other week.
  • Hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes are available for use in all areas of the Clubhouse.

For additional information on the procedures in please to keep everyone safe, please click here to view the current Interim Rules and Regulations for Use of the Clubhouse, Pools/Spa and Amenities.

Thank you for your attention,

Symphony Village HOA Management

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  • This mailing list is announce-only.

This is a List for residents of Symphony Village, Centreville, Maryland, for the promulgation of official items of HOA interests.

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