Board Election

From: "SV Residents" <no-reply@PROTECTED>
Date: November 13th 2020

Symphony Village Residents,

In accordance with your Governing Documents, each Member may vote in-person or by proxy at the Meeting of the Members. Because owners/members attending the Annual Meeting of the Members by Zoom will not have the ability to vote in-person, there will be a 36 hour period after the meeting during which votes may be cast by those residents who attended the Zoom meeting.

IF you attend the meeting and choose to submit your Ballot following the meeting, please cut the page and return ONLY the portion of the document indicating your vote. A screen shot showing the portion of the document containing additional instructions and indicating where to cut is shown below for your reference.

In order to preserve the in-person voting rights of owners who attend the Zoom meeting, ballots may be submitted either by email or in-person delivery to the Management Office no later than 8:00 a.m. on Friday, December 4, 2020.

Owners not attending the meeting must submit their Proxy Ballot prior to 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 2, 2020 for their vote to be counted.

The results of the election will be announced on Friday, December 4, 2020. If you have specific questions or concerns as it relates to the new procedures or any documents in the Annual Meeting Mailer you are encouraged to contact the Management Office directly at 410-758-8500.

The change in the 2020 Board of Directors election procedure is based on guidance provided by the Association’s Attorney because the meeting is being held virtually. An excerpt from the Attorney’s memo is below for your reference.

“As the world turns to a more virtual platform for meetings and gatherings, Maryland community association statutes have been amended to authorize meeting participation by electronic voting, proxy and telephone/videoconference participation. While these enactments and measures may make it easier for community members to participate, great care must be taken when planning and conducting the annual meeting to comply with procedural and substantive requirements established in association governing documents, the Maryland Condominium Act, the Maryland Homeowners Association Act and the Corporations and Associations Article of the Maryland Code. If legal requirements are not satisfied, the annual meeting may be invalid, and any action taken at an invalid meeting may be determined invalid as a matter of law.

The Maryland Attorney General’s Office recently represented that it’s concerned about the validity of an Association’s annual meeting that is held virtually because of issues surrounding taking nominations from the floor, preserving secret balloting, and confirming that all members have the ability to attend the virtual meeting.”

In addition to the procedural changes outlined above, please note that the Board of Directors appointed outgoing Board Secretary, Joe Brown, and the Chair of the 2020 Nominating Committee, Jane Romney, to oversee the counting of the ballots. The ballots will be counted by all three (3) staff members. Counting will begin promptly at 8:01 a.m. on Friday, December 4, 2020.

Again, Please do not hesitate to contact the Management Office at 410-758-8500 or gm@PROTECTED with any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your attention,

Symphony Village HOA Management

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