Friendly Reminder To Stay Safe

From: "SV Residents" <no-reply@PROTECTED>
Date: November 6th 2020

Greetings Symphony Village Residents,

Governor Larry Hogan gave a press conference yesterday, Thursday, November 5th, to remind Marylanders to stay safe during the holiday season. To view the full press conference and see a summary, please click here.

The Governor encourages everyone to remain vigilant and continue to follow safety guidelines. Please remember that this includes wearing a mask, maintaining six (6) feet of social distance, frequent washing/sanitizing of hands and other preventative measures. Furthermore, this is a period of time when many people are traveling for the holidays. Governor Hogan urges everyone that a travel advisory remains in place and if you are traveling out of the state, follow recommended safety precautions when returning home. Please click here for more information on Maryland’s Travel Advisory.

This is a friendly reminder to avoid using the Clubhouse or amenities when feeling sick or when having flu-like symptoms related to the virus like cough, shortness of breath and fever. If you or someone in your household has been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, please refrain from using community areas and seek medical advice. Residents are encouraged to take advantage of the local resources like the Queen Anne’s County Department of Health COVID-19 Call Center (443-262-9900) open Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM and available by email QACCOVID19.CallCenter@PROTECTED

Please continue to review safety guidelines and look for updates from the CDC, the MDH, QAC Health Department and the World Health Organization. The links below provide the most up to date information.






Thank you for your attention, stay safe and be well,

Symphony Village HOA Management

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