Upcoming Landscape Services

From: "SV Residents" <no-reply@PROTECTED>
Date: October 30th 2020

Greetings Symphony Village Residents,

The upcoming Landscape Services are tentatively scheduled for the following dates:

Monday, November 2nd

  • Turf Mowing – The weather and ground saturation will be closely monitored in the upcoming days and taken into consideration.
  • Fall Pruning – Evergreen and seasonal shrubs missed during the previous pruning will be addressed at this time throughout the community.

Wednesday, November 11th

  • Mowing around the ponds

Tuesday – Thursday, November 3rd – 5th

  • Turf Fertilization – A separate eblast with additional information is forthcoming.

Wednesday & Thursday, November 18th & 19th

  • Irrigation Winterization of the common area

Tuesday & Wednesday, November 24th & November 25th

  • First Leaf Removal – Weather will be closely monitored and Leaf Removal may be pushed up or if conditions do not appear to be favorable.

Please note that the dates above are pending weather conditions. Notification will be sent with any scheduling changes.

Thank you for your attention,

Symphony Village HOA Management

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