From: "SV Residents" <no-reply@PROTECTED>
Date: August 27th 2020

Symphony Village Residents,

At the end of 2020 Symphony Village residents will be filling three (3) vacancies on the HOA Board of Directors.  On Wednesday, September 2, 2020, the Nominating Committee will issue a formal “Call for Nominations “to the community. Nominations will not be accepted until nominations formally open on Wednesday, September 2, 2020. The following options will be available for submission of the nomination forms:

  1. The form may be downloaded from the community website and submitted to the Management Office in person, by email to gm@PROTECTED, by fax to 410-758-8509 or via postal mail to 100 Symphony Way – Centreville, MD 21617.
  2. You will be able to submit the nomination form electronically on the community website – instructions for the electronic form will be sent in an upcoming eblast.
  3. Hard copies of the nomination form will be available for pickup at the sign-in table at the front entrance to the Clubhouse. The completed form can be submitted to the Management Office by email to gm@PROTECTED, by fax to 410-758-8509 or via postal mail to 100 Symphony Way – Centreville, MD 21617.

Please note that nominations will close at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, September 28, 2020. All nomination forms must be submitted by this time in order to be counted.     

You may nominate yourself, or if you know a resident whom you feel really cares about our community, is respectful of others, and has demonstrated that they can work well as a team, then please nominate them for one of these positions.

The process will continue throughout the next few months, with Proxy Voting in the November timeframe, and the final Election and Results announced at the December 2nd HOA Annual Board Meeting.  The Nominating Committee will be keeping everyone updated throughout the process.

Symphony Village is very important to all of us and we want to keep it as the vibrant, attractive, upscale community that it has grown to be.

Please watch for further instructions in the September edition of the Libretto.

Thank you,


Symphony Village Nominating Committee


Jane Romany

Kathy McManus

Dave Peterson

Tom Meringolo

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