Community Information

From: "SV Residents" <no-reply@PROTECTED>
Date: November 15th 2019

Greetings Symphony Village Residents:

As you may be aware, Level Green Landscaping was awarded the 2020 Landscape & Irrigation Contracts. As such, the Board voted to contract with Montgomery Irrigation, a sub-contractor that specializes in irrigation for Level Green Landscaping, to winterize the irrigation system this year and work in conjunction with Level Green in 2020. Montgomery Irrigation has drained the above ground components of the system and scheduled to fully winterize the irrigation system on Monday, November 18th and Tuesday, November 19th.

Complete Landscaping is tentatively scheduled to perform to following services prior to the end of year as per the 2019 contract.


Shrub Pruning – deciduous plants ONLY
Thursday, November 21st & Friday, November 22nd

Shrub Fertilization – applied to acid loving/evergreen plants ONLY
Thursday, November 21st & Friday, November 22nd

Final Mowing & Leaf Removal #1
Thursday, November 21st, Friday, November 22nd & Monday, November 25th

Leaf Removal #2
Wednesday, December 18th & Thursday, December 19th

Notification will be sent for any scheduling changes.

Please note that if you chose to opt-out of the front bed services in 2019, the shrub pruning and fertilization will not be performed at your property.

Information regarding 2020 opt-out procedure is forthcoming.

Thank you for your attention,

Symphony Village HOA Management

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