HOA Board Nominations 2019

From: "SV Residents" <no-reply@PROTECTED>
Date: September 3rd 2019

Greetings Symphony Village Residents:


There will be two (2) vacant positions for the Symphony Village HOA Board of Directors effective December 2019. The three (3) year terms for Dave Peterson and Pat Fox are expiring and the positions will be filled by an election at the December board meeting.


Now is the time for you to either nominate yourself and/or other residents of Symphony Village. There are two simple ways to submit your nominations, you may submit it online by clicking here. Complete the form and then click "submit" and your inputs will be electronically recorded. If you prefer, get a paper form from the front desk at the clubhouse, complete it and return it to the Symphony Village HOA Management Office. 


The deadline for submitting nominations is Close Of Business (4:30 PM) on Monday, September 23rd , 2019. At that time the Nominating Committee will verify that anyone who has been nominated wishes to run for an open board position. Candidates will be asked to submit a one-page, typed, resume by Close Of Business on Monday, October 7th , 2019 which will be shared with the community. There will be an opportunity to "Meet the Candidates" on Thursday, November 7th , 2019.


If you have any questions, please contact one of the following nominating committee members: Rich Ryan, Dominic Mancinelli, Jane Romany or Pat Ways.


Thank you for your attention,


Symphony Village Nominating Committee


Symphony Village HOA Management

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