Greeting Symphony Village Residents:
Concert Hall B, the new portion, will be closed on Tuesday, February 26th from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for the replacement of leaking windows.
A handicap hang tag was found near the 100’s of Harmony Way today, Friday, February 22nd. The hang tag is available at the front desk for retrieval.
Completion of the street tree elevation/trimming is tentatively scheduled for Monday, February 25th through Thursday, February 28th weather permitting.
This is a reminder that in order to maintain a cohesive appearance throughout the community, at the October 26, 2018 Board meeting the Board voted to implement a new procedure for the 2019 landscape season which will exclude the option to opt-out of contracted turf services. The turf services include mowing, fertilization and weed treatments/chemical applications. Residents may however, contract an outside service to complete additional turf treatments at their expense. The option to opt-out of all front bed services will be available. The front bed services include shrub pruning, weeding, edging, mulching, fertilization and chemical application. To opt-out you must complete and submit a landscape opt-out form to the Management office no later than Friday, March 1st. The opt-out form is available on the community website and at the front desk. Please note that if you choose to opt-out of the front bed services, no contracted front bed landscape service will be completed during the 2019 season.
Thank you for your attention,
Symphony Village HOA Management
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