Prayer requests

From: "SV Prayer Chain" <no-reply@PROTECTED>
Date: March 31st 2020
I am forwarding these prayer requests that were sent to me by Debi and Bill Wells. Please join with them and me in prayer. Thank you.
Please stay safe at home and well...
  • Please pray for all individuals going to work every day manning the cash registers, stocking the shelves, cleaning the facilities, managing the stores, manufacturing our medical, defense and other equipment that are deemed essential.
  • Pray for those working from home helping to keep our services and industries going.
  • Pray for the truckers and gas station attendants that keep our goods flowing every day.
  • Pray for the medical community and those helping to watch their children, they are all working to help us.
  • Pray for our first responders and the National Guard.
  • Pray for our military personnel and those manning the hospital ships.
  • Pray that all Americans put aside their differences and come together and defeat this pandemic.
  • Pray God inspires all of our elected officials to make the right decisions.
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