SV Prayer Chain Archives


SV Prayer Chain Message

January 10th 2024 EDT

Please keep Cathy and Mike Norris in your prayers.  Cathy is currently hospitalized with a serious condition.  Please pray for rapid and complete healing for Cathy and for peace of mind for Mike during this time. ...Continue Reading

Prayer Request

August 11th 2023 EDT

 David Nies is currently undergoing intensive medical treatment.  Please pray that he isn't negatively affected by potential side-effects.  Most importantly, please pray that the treatment regimen is successful and that David enjoys a full recovery. Pray, as well, for peace of mind for him, Joanna, and their family. ...Continue Reading

Prayer Request

August 11th 2023 EDT

 David Nies is currently undergoing intensive medical treatment.  Please pray that he isn't negatively affected by potential side-effects.  Most importantly, please pray that the treatment regimen is successful and that David enjoys a full recovery. Pray, as well, for peace of mind for him, Joanna, and their family. ...Continue Reading

SV Prayer Chain Message

August 11th 2023 EDT

David Nies is currently undergoing intensive medical treatment.  Please pray that he isn't negatively affected by potential side-effects.  Most importantly, please pray that the treatment regimen is successful and that David enjoys a full recovery. Pray, as well, for peace of mind for him, Joanna, and their family.   ...Continue Reading

Prayer Request

May 4th 2023 EDT

Mike Mooney is entering Compass Regional Hospice.  Please pray for peace and comfort for Mike, Marla, and their family at this very difficult time.  Pray, as well, that they all truly feel our Lord's presence with them every moment.Thank you. ...Continue Reading

SV Prayer Request

April 7th 2023 EDT

David Nies is currently undergoing intensive medical treatment.  Please pray that he isn't negatively affected by potential side-effects.  Most importantly, please pray that the treatment regimen is successful and that David enjoys a full recovery. Pray, as well, for peace of mind for him, Joanna, and their family. ...Continue Reading

prayer chain request

August 8th 2022 EDT

"Please keep Dave and Joanna Nies in your prayers. Thank you." ...Continue Reading

Prayer Chain for the O'Connell family

July 18th 2022 EDT

Please pray for the O'Connell family. Jim is in the hospice unit at AAMC. Pray that Jim is comfortable and that he is aware of the love that is surrounding him. Pray for peace for Terri and the family during this saddest and most difficult time. May they all feel the arms of God gently holding them. ...Continue Reading

SV Prayer Request

November 21st 2021 EDT

Prayers are needed for Bill Wells who is currently in ICU at John’s Hopkins. ...Continue Reading

Prayer Request

January 24th 2021 EDT

Pete Abbott is hospitalized with intestinal problems.  Results of tests done earlier today were good, and he will soon be on the mend.  Please pray that Pete enjoys a rapid and complete recovery and that he is soon back home.  Please pray, as well, that his medical team continues to be blessed with wisdom and compassion as they order and oversee Pete's course of treatment.Thank you.[sent on behalf of Eleanor Strietman] ...Continue Reading
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